Clear Cached Data

Whenever you list videos of a channel, playlists of a channel or videos of a playlist, a cached connection is established between the channel or the playlist and the created sheet. This makes it easy to refresh the data in that video sheet whenever you refresh the metrics using the refresh option available in YT Tracker add-on menu.

Let us say you listed videos of a channel once and it is a one time thing. You are not going to need it for future analysis and you deleted the sheet tab. But, whenever you refresh the sheet or save a configuration, a new sheet tab is created and the videos of that channel is listed in the tab which you might not like.

You can select Extensions → YT Tracker → Settings → Clear channel video cache, to eliminate this behaviour. Remember that it clears all the existing connection between all channels and its videos/playlists sheet & playlists and videos sheet.

yt tracker clear cache
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